
Our People

Mohammad Behnam
Leverages extensive education and work experience in the medical-device and life-science sectors to help global medical device...
Jason Bello
PartnerWashington DC
Helps healthcare organizations build new businesses, bring healthcare innovations to market, and dramatically improve growth...
Vikas Bhadoria
Senior PartnerGurugram
Leads the Life Sciences Practice for India and the PMP Operations Practice in Asia. Has deep expertise in helping local and global...
Stefan Biesdorf
Serves clients from the healthcare sector on digital and technology-related projects as a member of McKinsey’s Digital and Analytics...
Siddhartha Chadha
PartnerNew York
Advises and serves medical-device and pharmaceutical companies on growth strategies, performance transformation, and at-scale...
Karsten Dalgaard
Senior PartnerStockholm
Advises Life Sciences companies on performance transformation, productivity, growth strategy, and commercial excellence
Sherina Ebrahim
Senior PartnerNew Jersey
Helps consumer goods and medical device companies grow through transformative approaches to strategy, sales and marketing, enterprise...
Tony Gambell
Brings deep expertise to operations performance transformations with a particular passion for manufacturing organizations operating...
Katy George
Senior PartnerNew Jersey
Leads client transformation and research around technology-enabled operations and manufacturing
Jake Henry
Senior PartnerChicago
Leads McKinsey’s global work on mergers, acquisitions, separations, divestitures and JV’s/alliances. Serves leading medical...
Minyoung Kim
Brings global insight to healthcare and technology organizations, having served multinational and local companies in Japan, Korea,...
Chris Llewellyn
Senior PartnerLondon
Co-leads our work globally in the life sciences, biopharma, medical products and health technology spaces
Evgeniya Makarova
Serves pharmaceutical, medical-device, and consumer companies as well as regulators on operational improvement, transformation,...
Daisuke Nozaki
Senior PartnerTokyo
Supports clients primarily on large-scale transformations, working side by side with the client’s leadership; advises on strategy...
Rajesh Parekh
Senior PartnerBay Area
Serves leading biopharmaceuticals and medical products companies on corporate strategy, R&D strategy and transformation, commercial...
Gerti Pellumbi
Senior PartnerWashington DC
Advises medical device, specialty pharmaceuticals, and pharmaceutical services companies across strategic, operational, organizational,...
Nils Peters
Senior PartnerZurich
Supports innovators in biopharmaceutical and medical devices with a broad range of challenges, from shaping portfolios to transforming...
Michele Raviscioni
Senior PartnerTokyo
Co-leads McKinsey's Asia Life Sciences practice, coordinating the firm's activity in the pharmaceutical, medical technology,...
Max Schlichter
Designs and leads supply-chain transformations for pharmaceutical, consumer-goods, agriculture, and chemical clients
Ben Sheppard
Ben leads McKinsey Design in EMEA and the firm's global research on design. He advises clients on creating bold new products...
Tobias Silberzahn
Has dedicated his career to advancing health and wellbeing. Serves healthcare and life sciences organizations with a focus on...
Shail Thaker
Senior PartnerLondon
Leads McKinsey’s Northern European hub of the Life Sciences Practice and the firm’s global healthcare organisation and enterprise...
Christian Zerbi
Leads McKinsey’s medtech work across Europe and serves medical-device clients on strategy, commercial excellence, and transformation...