Our People

Global leaders

Dana Maor
Senior PartnerTel Aviv
Coheads the People & Organizational Performance Practice globally and leads it across Europe. Passionate about shaping organizations to compete, driving lasting transformational change, transforming talent, and unlocking leadership within client organizations, McKinsey, and society
Michael Park
Senior PartnerNew York
Coleads the People & Organizational Performance Practice and partners with leaders to shape strategy, improve performance, and drive lasting change by making talent a competitive advantage and establishing an organization fit for the future

Our people

Wouter Aghina
Delivers large-scale performance and health transformations, improving performance, changing culture, boosting organizational agility, improving organizational design, and building leadership and frontline capabilities
Maitham Albaharna
Designs and leads large-scale organizational transformations, driving higher performance through enhanced capabilities, leadership, culture, and talent systems
Steven Aronowitz
Helps clients establish organizational agility and drive sustainable change at scale
Gemma D’Auria
Senior partner, global leader of McKinsey’s Apparel, Fashion & Luxury PracticeMilan
Supports retail, fashion, and luxury brands in driving transformations for higher performance and health
Philip Barber
Helps complex organisations design, implement, and manage large-scale transformations to increase effectiveness, deliver impact, and improve organisational capabilities and culture
Fabian Billing
Managing Partner Germany and AustriaDüsseldorf
Fabian serves as the Managing Partner of McKinsey Germany and Austria
Kenneth Bonheure
Senior PartnerSingapore
Advises leaders across industries on mergers and other organization-shaping transactions, and leads strategy development and large-scale transformations in the pharmaceutical, medical-device, and healthcare sectors
Jacqueline Brassey
Senior Fellow, MHILuxembourg
Coleader of Healthy Workforces and Director of Research Science at the McKinsey Health Institute, passionate about helping individuals and organizations thrive by promoting improved mental health, well-being, agility, and resilience.
Laura Bremme
Senior PartnerZurich
Supports the leaders of pharmaceutical, generics, medical-device, and animal-health companies as they set strategy, boost commercial excellence, and transform organizations to pursue growth and drive performance
Rudmer Buruma
Helps industrial clients grow faster than the market by transforming sales and pricing practices, and implementing sustainable frontline improvements
Tomás Calleja Mediano
Senior PartnerMadrid
Helps service industry clients transform their organizations and operations, making them more efficient and customer-focused
Marla Capozzi
Designs and leads transformation programs for senior executives on the strategy, innovation, digital, and inspirational leadership needed to shape the future
Natacha Catalino
Senior ExpertBoston
Guides transformational change for organizations, top teams, and individual leaders facing the challenge of transforming their organizations
Felipe Child
Passionate about improving the efficiency and effectiveness of critical organizations for our society—across the public, private, and social sectors
Aaron De Smet
Senior PartnerNew Jersey
Delivers growth, innovation, and organizational agility and is an expert on culture change, leadership development, team effectiveness, capability building, and transformation