Welcome to

McKinsey Singapore

Our people

Oliver Tonby
Senior PartnerSingapore
Advises oil and gas, energy, and industrial clients on strategic, development, and operations issues; member of Singapore’s Future...
Kaushik Das
Senior Partner Singapore
Helps clients in the energy, mining, and consumer industries to design and implement long-term strategy, build new partnerships,...
Badrinath Ramanathan
Senior Partner and Managing PartnerSingapore
Leads our office in Singapore, advising financial institutions in Asia on strategy, business building, digital, and analytics
Suyin Soon
Helps consumer-goods companies in Southeast Asia build winning strategies and rethink marketing and sales
Asilah Azil
Helps institutions drive meaningful impact across sustainability efforts, entrepreneurial ventures, and ways of working
Tracy Lee
Coleads McKinsey’s Real Estate Practice in Southeast Asia and advises clients on all aspects of infrastructure development, with...


Featured Insights

Contemplating female nurse with arms crossed looking through window in hospital

Around the world, nurses say meaningful work keeps them going

Singapore emerges as a new-business-building hub
Singapore emerges as a new-business-building hub
Financial decision-maker sentiment: Singapore
Financial decision-maker sentiment: Singapore
The rise of digital and data flows in Singapore
The rise of digital and data flows in Singapore

Impact on business and society

Our Location


One Raffles Quay Level 24, South Tower Singapore 048583 Singapore

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