Our People

Practice leaders

Ondrej Burkacky
Senior PartnerMunich
Uses his expertise in semiconductors, R&D, and embedded software to advise clients on operational improvement, R&D, and software-related...
Masaru Tsuchiya
Advises clients across sectors with a focus on climate technologies, materials, and semiconductors, empowering them to enhance...
Bill Wiseman
Senior PartnerSeattle
As a senior partner in our Seattle office, brings innovation to client service through new management science for technology...

Our people

Aaron Aboagye
Co-leads the firm’s Semiconductors Practice in the Americas
Harald Bauer
Senior Partner, EMEAFrankfurt
Advises semiconductor and high-tech clients on matters of strategy, operations, and performance transformation
Marc de Jong
Senior PartnerAmsterdam
Focuses on strategy, innovation, and transformation in technology-intensive industries and leads strategy-transformation services...
Rebecca Doherty
PartnerBay Area
Counsels executives on strategies for growth, working with companies to implement growth transformations and M&A
Hubert Heersche
Leads product optimization at McKinsey globally, using digital capabilities and analytics to improve product design and cost
Abhijit Mahindroo
Senior PartnerSouthern California
Co-leads Semiconductors in the Americas
Matteo Mancini
Senior PartnerRiyadh
Leads McKinsey’s Operations Practice and advanced industries initiatives in Middle East, Africa and Central Asia, guiding manufacturing...
Daisuke Nozaki
Senior PartnerTokyo
Supports clients primarily on large-scale transformations, working side by side with the client’s leadership; advises on strategy...
Mark Patel
Senior PartnerBay Area - San Francisco
Advises clients across sectors on sustainability with a focus on climate technologies; leads client work across industrial, high-tech,...
Giulietta Poltronieri
Helps advanced industries and semiconductor clients across the full electronics value chain on strategy, operations, and people-related...
Dale Swartz
PartnerBay Area - Silicon Valley
Works with startups, investors, and large organizations on growth strategy, business building, and geopolitical resilience in...
Kushan Surana
PartnerNew York
With a focus on commercial optimization through advanced analytics techniques, works with leading technology and telecommunications...
Rutger Vrijen
PartnerBay Area
Serves semiconductor and other industrials and electronics clients on issues ranging from growth strategy and transformation...