Tech-enabled business transformation: The trillion dollar opportunity

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Venkat Atluri
Senior PartnerChicago
Leads McKinsey’s technology and telecommunications work globally. Delivers large-scale performance improvement through technology,...
Aamer Baig
Senior PartnerChicago
Helps companies use digital technologies to drive innovation, transform customer experience, and improve productivity, while...
Katy George
Senior PartnerNew Jersey
Leads client transformation and research around technology-enabled operations and manufacturing
Bernhard Mühlreiter
Helps companies in the mobility and industrial space to navigate disruptions, shape tech-enabled performance programs, and reinvent...
Gérard Richter
Senior PartnerFrankfurt
European Leader of McKinsey Digital Hubs and Build by McKinsey and Co-Leader of McKinsey Digital Europe
Andreas Venus
Senior PartnerBerlin
Serves as managing partner of our Berlin office; leads the data and analytics work for automotive and industrial clients in Europe...

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