What's on the agenda at the G20 Summit?

This weekend, leaders of the world’s largest economies will meet in New Delhi, India for the G20 Summit. With the theme “One Earth, One Family, One Future,” their goal will be to shape global economic policy for the year to come, incorporating discussions of sustainable growth. A new report from the McKinsey Global Institute dives into two key ambitions for the people and the planet: addressing poverty and climate change. When it comes to raising living standards and building a greener world, the actions taken (or not) in this decade will determine what kind of world the next generation will inherit, say Anu Madgavkar, Sven Smit, Mekala Krishnan, Jonathan Woetzel, Kweilin Ellingrud, and Tracy Francis. Read the report to understand the economics of addressing both poverty and climate change in a decisive way, and explore other recent insights on the global economy as the summit kicks off.

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