McKinsey Quarterly 2019 Issue 3
McKinsey Quarterly 2019 Number 3

The drumbeat of digital

On the cover

The drumbeat of digital: How winning teams play
Article - McKinsey Quarterly

The drumbeat of digital: How winning teams play


Reallocating resources

Admit it, your investments are stuck in neutral
Article - McKinsey Quarterly

Admit it, your investments are stuck in neutral

Knowing when
Article - McKinsey Quarterly

Bias Busters: Knowing when to kill a project


Dealing with m&a

Repeat performance: The continuing case for programmatic M&A
Article - McKinsey Quarterly

How lots of small M&A deals add up to big value

Compound growth at MilliporeSigma
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly

Compound growth at MilliporeSigma

The secret ingredient of successful big deals: Organizational health
Article - McKinsey Quarterly

The secret ingredient of successful big deals: Organizational health

Demystifying deal making: Lessons from M&A veterans
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly

Demystifying deal making: Lessons from M&A veterans


Other features

Getting personal about change
Article - McKinsey Quarterly

Getting personal about change

All in: From recovery to agility at Spark New Zealand
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly

All in: From recovery to agility at Spark New Zealand

Confronting overconfidence in talent strategy, management, and development
Article - McKinsey Quarterly

Confronting overconfidence in talent strategy, management, and development



The Chinese luxury consumer
Article - McKinsey Quarterly

The Chinese luxury consumer

The public sector gets serious about customer experience
Article - McKinsey Quarterly

The public sector gets serious about customer experience

Can artificial intelligence help society as much as it helps business?
Article - McKinsey Quarterly

Can artificial intelligence help society as much as it helps business?
