McKinsey Quarterly 2015 Number 4


Artigo - McKinsey Quarterly

Why agility pays

Artigo - McKinsey Quarterly

Agility lessons from utilities

Artigo - McKinsey Quarterly

Adhocracy for an agile age


Taking China's pulse

Artigo - McKinsey Quarterly

Five myths about the Chinese economy

Relatório - Pesquisa MGI

Gauging the strength of Chinese innovation


Five keys to connecting with China’s wired consumers

Artigo - McKinsey Quarterly

How China country heads are coping


Other highlights

Comentário - McKinsey Quarterly

Igualdade de gênero: um balanço da situação atual

Artigo - McKinsey Quarterly

Guia executivo para a Internet das Coisas

Artigo - McKinsey Quarterly

Knowing when corporate headquarters adds rather than subtracts value


Research, trends, and emerging thinking

Artigo - McKinsey Quarterly

Revisiting the matrix organization

Artigo - McKinsey Quarterly

Why it’s still a world of ‘grow or go’

Artigo - McKinsey Quarterly

Taking the measure of the networked enterprise

Artigo - McKinsey Quarterly

Quando operações abaixo da média ameaçam o crescimento


Closing view

Artigo - McKinsey Quarterly

How should you tap into Silicon Valley?
