This is a profile image of Joana Neves Dias Carluccio

Joana Neves Dias Carluccio


Advises business-to-consumer companies in the telecommunications, media, and banking sectors as they set new marketing strategies and expand digital offerings

Joana leads McKinsey’s digital marketing and sales work in Brazil, bringing together insights from both the McKinsey Digital and Marketing & Sales Practices.

Since joining McKinsey, Joana has developed strong expertise advising companies in the telecommunications, media, and retail-banking sectors. Working directly with top leaders, she offers guidance on fundamental strategic decisions, including how to grow their businesses and how to better engage with customers.

Against a backdrop of rapid industry evolution, Joana also helps executives set new go-to-market strategies, improve customer life-cycle management, and pursue greater personalization. She supports companies as they delve into advanced analytics and develop stronger value propositions for the growing number of “digital first” customers, from banking to streaming TV.

Examples of her recent client work include the following:

  • leading an advanced-analytics transformation for a major telecommunications company
  • implementing digital bank branches to better serve the affluent customer segments of a major bank
  • overhauling the approach to reducing customer churn at a telecommunications company, including supporting the adoption of agile marketing squads
  • overseeing a cost-optimization project for a South American media group, which addressed opportunities in the TV, radio, and print businesses
  • transforming the customer experience and approach to customer care for a leading telecommunications company
  • redesigning the customer-loyalty strategy for a major Latin American bank

Interested in fostering conversations and exploring trends, Joana is one of the organizers of McKinsey’s Digital Marking Academy, a program that brings together CMOs from across Latin America. She first joined McKinsey in Lisbon and is fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.


MBA (Baker Scholar)

Portuguese Catholic University
BS, economics