Ishanaa helps major financial institutions improve their performance, manage risk, and enhance organizational effectiveness. Her areas of focus include organizational design, enterprise risk management, regulatory remediation, and leadership development.
Since joining McKinsey, Ishanaa has advised executives at leading banking and consumer-finance firms. She combines her technical expertise in risk and finance with extensive leadership capabilities and a deep understanding of her clients’ business context to generate real impact.
Ishanaa has designed and led a number of organization-wide transformation programs across a range of issues, including risk management and organization. For example, she led an organizational design effort at a top US bank, leveraging McKinsey’s capabilities in organization, such as agile and Organizational Health Index. Ishanaa directed another multiyear effort to restructure a bank’s risk organization to increase efficiency and effectiveness and enhance overall risk culture. She has also led several risk-function transformations and helped numerous banks improve their operational risk, risk-identification, and stress-testing processes.
Ishanaa has led McKinsey’s research on how financial institutions can unlock organizational effectiveness. She has also headed much of the firm’s work related to executive transitions and serves as faculty on this highly regarded client program. She speaks regularly on risk and finance topics and has participated in conversations on global economy and development.