McKinsey Mexico
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Ideas with purpose
Our People
Marina Cigarini
Senior PartnerMexico City
Sergio Waisser
Senior PartnerMexico City
Working in Mexico
Featured Insights
Mexican consumers seek value and convenience—and find it online
Labor-intensive factories—analytics-intensive productivity
Survey: Mexican consumer sentiment during the coronavirus crisis
Thriving in Latin America’s next normal: Commercial excellence in CPG
Impact on Society
We are committed to contributing meaningfully to the country and the community.
In the public and social sectors, we design and help deliver strategies and solutions in areas critical to Mexico’s development, including transportation, education, and important health topics such as reducing and managing diabetes. We have conducted numerous pro bono engagements on these topics, working with leading Mexican institutions.
For example, McKinsey supported the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education—Mexico’s largest private-education institution—in redefining its organizational structure and strategy. We worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Diconsa, a state-owned institution, distributing food and basic products to poor communities and designing a model for financial inclusion. More than 10,000 Diconsa stores now provide a basic financial-services offering—reaching millions of previously unbanked customers.
Mexico is also one of five launch countries for Generation, a groundbreaking effort by the McKinsey Social Initiative and our global partners to create 1 million jobs for young people and reshape the way business trains entry-level employees.
Our Locations
Mexico City
Pedregal 24, Torre Virreyes Piso 23° Molino del Rey 11040 Mexico City Mexico