Delivering the capital spending needed to transition to net-zero emissions will require a pace and scale far exceeding the status quo. To accomplish this, the infrastructure industry will need to rethink project engineering and development and explore ways to reduce project life cycles. In this edition, we look at how leaders are evolving to meet the needs of the net-zero transition, creating new competitive advantages, changing processes, and financing capital requirements at pace and scale.
We are hosting a series of GII Roundtables around the world in the second quarter of 2022, starting on April 12 in Washington, DC. Topics include decarbonizing construction, scaling electric-vehicle infrastructure, preparing grids for the energy transition, creating a 2050 water strategy, delivering contracting excellence, and more. We have also scheduled our first GII Innovation Site Visit to the Riyadh Transit Network, one of the world’s largest public transport projects, in November 2022. You can read insights from previous events and see our forthcoming roundtables here.

Voices on Infrastructure: Reimagining engineering and project development to meet net-zero targets
Preparations are well under way for our eighth GII Summit, which will take place in Tokyo from October 19 to 21, 2022. Our theme for the summit is creating the pathway to sustainable infrastructure, and we have just released our preliminary agenda here. For more details on our summit, roundtables, site visits, and Voices publications, please visit our GII website.
We hope you enjoy this issue, and we welcome your thoughts on how GII can continue to be a catalyst for driving change toward sustainable infrastructure. If you have comments or would like to subscribe a colleague to Voices, please contact us at