A granular look at human progress

Davos—the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting—is in full swing through January 20. All this week, our daily charts will focus on some of the key themes of the event, including resilience, sustainability, reimagining globalization, inclusion, and space. For more, see “McKinsey and the World Economic Forum 2023.”

Measuring human progress requires an up-close approach. The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) portioned the world into 40,000 microregions to assess the development of human health and economic prosperity over the past two decades. Chair of insights and ecosystems and chair of MGI Sven Smit and coauthors found notable gains in life expectancy and GDP per capita in large swaths of the globe, though some parts of sub-Saharan Africa experienced declines in economic prosperity.

To read the article, see “Pixels of progress: A granular look at human development around the world,” December 7, 2022.