Net zero has become an organizing principle for business. How can CEOs lay out credibly how they will deliver their transition to net zero while simultaneously building and reinforcing resilience against the certain volatility of ongoing economic and political shock? To build resilience today and values tomorrow, there are five actions CEOs should consider taking, write global managing partner Bob Sternfels, senior partner Daniel Pacthod, and senior partner Humayun Tai:
- Accelerate capital deployment with a private-equity mindset
- Play offense through a sustainable value creation strategy
- Go beyond net zero
- Build the partnership and ecosystem muscle
- Aggressively reskill leadership teams, boards, and frontline workers
Explore these insights for more ways leaders can improve the future of their businesses and the planet, and bookmark The McKinsey guide to excelling as a CEO for the latest insights and advice on topics that should be at the top of your agenda.
A devilish duality: How CEOs can square resilience with net-zero promises
The net-zero transition: What it would cost, what it could bring
The net-zero materials transition: Implications for global supply chains
Delivering impact from US green bank financing
Taking the first steps toward net-zero emissions
Using digital and AI to meet the energy sector’s net-zero challenge