Why women in STEM make excellent consultants

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Apply by May 7th for the Canadian Women in STEM Award to join a community of your undergraduate peers, earn a $1,500 stipend, and receive a dedicated McKinsey Mentor, like Alisha, a business analyst with Digital McKinsey in Toronto.

I’ve noticed women with backgrounds in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) tend to have excellent analytical skills, a strong work ethic, and the ability to overcome adversity –a winning combination in life in general, including at McKinsey.

While studying computer science at Stanford, I learned to deconstruct problems into interdependent classes or functions. At McKinsey, my managers break clients– problems into independent workstreams, which are assigned to different team members based on our strengths, interests and goals. In the end, these workstreams come together to form a complete solution, just like a coding project. There’s no need to worry about making the leap from engineering, math or science to consulting; with the skills you have today, you’re already prepared to succeed.

Alisha Inline
Alisha Inline

What’s more, you’ll have more opportunities to expand your horizons and explore than you would elsewhere. Since I joined the firm a year–and–a–half ago, I’ve played half a dozen roles, from predicting behavior patterns using machine learning, to creating business cases for digital transformations, to coaching project managers on how to best engage their stakeholders and mitigate project risks. I’m confident this diverse set of experiences is setting me up to continue pursuing my goals and making informed choices about my career. Whatever I decide to do in the long run, McKinsey has given me an incredible starting point.

Apply for the Canadian Women in STEM award.

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