My experience on an evaluation committee

Hi everyone,

In my last post, I mentioned that I was invited to be a member of the year-end evaluation committee for our knowledge colleagues in the Operations practice, so I wanted to share a bit about that.

The experience was equally interesting, inspiring, and intense. We started really early on the review day (I won’t even tell you what time!) and met in our virtual team room until all our reviews were completed. Our evaluation committee—comprised of senior experts, associate partners, and partners from around the globe—reviewed about 20 early tenure (1-3 years at the firm) Operations colleagues in detail. The committee itself was a really interesting mix of accomplished McKinsey folks, and we were all excited to discuss these junior colleagues, who have amazing profiles and already had many incredible client impact stories.

With my boyfriend at the Shedd Aquarium for the Chicago office holiday party

I loved seeing our strengths-based development model in action and found the entire process to be very forward-thinking and positive. No matter the rating of each colleague, we talked about tactical and strategic ways to help them grow even more. For colleagues with development needs, we paired them with partners who can help develop and mentor them. And, happily, we now have multiple promotions to celebrate.

By the end of this very long session, I was super inspired by how our processes work and realized that they are 100% worth the long hours. Our systems work quite well—our colleagues have a very fair evaluation process, and senior leaders at the firm really do want to see them excel.

I have more updates to share, including some personal news, so stay tuned in the coming weeks!
