This is a profile image of Guillaume de Ranieri

Guillaume de Ranieri


Guillaume de Ranieri


Guillaume de Ranieri specializes in R&D and large industrial projects management. He leads the Aerospace and Defense Practice in France.

Guillaume de Ranieri is deeply experienced in strategic, organizational, and operational issues in the aerospace and defense industry. He assists top-tier clients and their suppliers with their large-scale transformation projects. His special area of expertise is the operational improvement of the R&D function, testing, and production units, as well as the optimization of the supply chain and support functions, such as purchasing.

Within our Operations Practice, Guillaume de Ranieri pilots the firm's work on product development for European clients. He also contributes to our research activities into innovation and R&D effectiveness. An aeronautics engineer, he is an adviser to the Cercle Espace d Centre de’Étude et Prospective Strategique (CEPS), the strategic think tank.

Published work

"Reinvigorating industry in France" (PDF–6.09 MB), McKinsey Global Institute, October 2006

Past experience

Socata (EADS)
Responsible for the TB aircraft program


École Polytechnique
MSc, engineering

École Nationale Supérieure de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (Supaéro)
MSc, aerospace engineering