Our Insights
From liability to opportunity: How to build food security and nourish growth
How can public institutions, development agencies, investors, researchers, and producers work together to build a food sector that propels economic growth, meets demand, and helps to maintain social stability?
Report - MGI Research
Lions go digital: The Internet’s transformative potential in Africa
A majority of urban Africans own Internet-capable devices and go online regularly. If infrastructure investment continues, the Internet will take hold on a much larger scale in the coming decade—potentially adding $300 billion a year to Africa’s GDP.
Report - MGI Research
Africa at work: Job creation and inclusive growth
The world's second-fastest-growing region must speed up job creation to sustain its successes. By focusing on labor-intensive sectors such as agriculture, some types of manufacturing, and retail and hospitality, African nations could boost the number of new wage-paying jobs from 54 million on current trends to 72 million by 2020.