We are pleased to continue our partnership with the ASU+GSV Summit and invite you to explore our insights across many of the Summit knowledge domains below. We would also like to visit with you onsite and hope to see you at our booth in the Seaport Foyer #233 while in San Diego.
Early Childhood and K-12 School Systems
Halftime for the K–12 stimulus: How are districts faring?
Halfway through the federal stimulus window, districts have yet to spend the bulk of funds. Meanwhile, learning loss and mental-health concerns are escalating. Can districts rise to the challenge?
COVID-19 and student learning in the United States: The hurt could last a lifetime
New evidence shows that the shutdowns caused by COVID-19 could exacerbate existing achievement gaps.
Expanding publicly funded pre-K: How to do it and do it well
High-quality early childhood education is one of the most cost-effective ways to close achievement gaps and break the cycle of poverty.
How COVID-19 caused a global learning crisis
The pandemic has taken a substantial toll on students’ academic progress as well as on their mental health. School systems can respond across multiple horizons to help students get back on track.
Higher Education
Reimagining higher education in MENAP
Stakeholders can consider a range of bold initiatives to transform higher education and create new opportunities for students...
Using machine learning to improve student success in higher education
Deploying machine learning and advanced analytics thoughtfully and to their full potential may support improvements in student...
Racial and ethnic equity in US higher education: Students and faculty
Most nonprofit institutions have significant progress to make to reach their stated goals of representational parity.
Demand for online education is growing. Are providers ready?
Growing competition in online education suggests providers may need to take bold action. Five strategic moves could help them...
How technology is shaping learning in higher education
New McKinsey research shows that students and faculty are eager to continue using new classroom learning technologies adopted...
Transforming HR to better support higher education institutions
Higher education institutions face stiff competition in the race for talent. A strong and connected HR function could give them...
Workforce Development and Life-Long Learning
Five trends to watch in the edtech industry
The adult edtech sector is evolving as quickly as it is growing. Significant changes are taking place in M&A opportunities,...
Featured insights
Job Progression Tool: Bringing job insights to the front line
The Job Progression Tool supports job seekers without a four-year college degree move to more resilient, in-demand, higher-wage...
Report - MGI Research
The future of work in America: People and places, today and tomorrow
The health of local economies today will affect their ability to adapt and thrive in the automation age.