Your corporate holiday-gift-giving guide

If you’re debating the perfect gift for your boss, your office’s white elephant gift exchange, or the intellectual in your life, consider the gift that keeps on giving: a good book. Not only is book-wrapping a breeze (or not required if you opt for the digital version), but a book can travel anywhere, educate, and inspire, time and time again. This #CyberMonday, check out the latest and greatest books from McKinsey, discover new authors from our Author Talks series, and revisit our annual leadership reading guide for 100+ book recommendations from CEOs, Nobel Prize winners, editors-in-chief, and McKinsey leaders, including global managing partner Bob Sternfels.

CEO Excellence

The Titanium Economy

Deliberate Calm

Explore Mckinsey on Books.


In defense of big data

What poker pro Annie Duke can teach you about quitting on time

How to maintain a ‘Longpath’ mindset, even amid short-term crises

Dismantling double standards in business with CNBC’s Julia Boorstin

Check out more Author Talks.


2022 reading guide

What to read to lead