Tackling global challenges at the G20 summit

G20 finance ministers and central bank governors are convening in Italy to tackle the world’s greatest challenges, including ending the pandemic and building a solid, inclusive economic recovery. Explore these recent insights to dive into some of the key topics on the agenda, including:

  • securing global health and fueling economic recovery
  • the link between the digital revolution and productivity
  • climate change risk
  • establishing global framework for tax reform

Beyond the pandemic: Eight charts on COVID-19 and the next phase of global economic growth

Unlocking experience-based job progressions for millions of workers

Looking beyond the pandemic: Could the world economy gain more than it lost to COVID-19?

Will productivity and growth return after the COVID-19 crisis?

Economic conditions outlook, June 2021

Not the last pandemic: Investing now to reimagine public-health systems

How keeping health a priority is a prescription for European prosperity

Addressing climate change in a post-pandemic world

COVID-19: Making the case for robust digital financial infrastructure