AI tools for retailers

The European grocery sector is expected to begin its recovery in the second half of this year after experiencing substantial cost pressure in 2022. Senior partners Franck Laizet and Daniel Läubli and colleagues found that generative artificial intelligence could help the recovery by adding value for retailers in many areas, including company management, marketing, and customer interaction.

Generative AI creates additional value potential for retailers, with a focus on marketing and support functions.

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A waterfall chart shows the expected value share of both analytics and generative AI for retailers by retail segment. The segments include, from left to right, category management with 45–50% of total value share, supply chain management with 15–20%, store operations with 10–15%, marketing with 10–15%, and support functions with 5–10%. Each segment amounts are composed of almost entirely analytics value, with narrow shares of generative AI. Only within the segments of marketing and support functions is the value of generative AI shown to be substantive.

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To read the report, see “State of grocery Europe 2023: Living with and responding to uncertainty,” April 19, 2023.