Do things for the right reason

I started a career in digital because I want to use tech to make people’s lives easier. I was drawn to McKinsey because they share this vision, and I wanted to be part of the meaningful work. The projects we work on at McKinsey all have the same challenging and inspiring goal–helping others.

I believe there are some problems only McKinsey teams can tackle. The multidisciplinary nature of our teams plays a big role. By combining management consultants, data scientists, experience designers and tech experts we can deliver more innovative and relevant solutions.

A united vision

Only at McKinsey could a team set up a digital factory and launch a groundbreaking banking app and online services within a few months, disrupting the industry in the region in a record time.


There were times during the project where we thought we would fail and were too ambitious. The project inspired constant feelings of both excitement and fear that something could go wrong–months of hard work was being put to the test.

The long nights, pizza orders and hours spent working closely with our client and their customers in a factory of more than 50 people paid off, and we reached our goal. If it weren’t for the drive from my colleagues, the support from our leaders and the engagement from the client, none of it would have been possible.

Being part of such a rewarding achievement was the highlight of my year. Through this exceptional project, I learned new things from my colleagues, grew within my own field and created my own vision.


Never a dull moment

Just in the last year, my projects have taken me to Europe, Africa and the Middle East. I’ve been exposed to new cultures and worked with awesome people from around the world. At McKinsey, every project is a new experience. We immerse ourselves in these areas for a few months until we’ve made an impact on people’s lives.

Following my curiosity and passion for digital and design in different industries and countries has been incredible. I’m dedicated to creating only the best in class experiences for our clients. McKinsey has brought me so many inspiring challenges so far, and I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Advice for candidates

The best career advice I’ve ever been given was, “Do things for the right reasons.” I founded my own company based on that advice, and I use it every day at McKinsey. Helping people make a difference in the world is what drives me and excites me the most about working here. There is no limit to how much we can give, and there is an incredible culture built around helping clients and communities and making a positive change.

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About Rhea

Rhea is a UX designer based in Paris. She holds a bachelor’s in business administration from the American University of Beirut and her master’s in media design and technology from Instituto de Empresa in Spain. Prior to joining McKinsey, Rhea founded UXBeirut, an association that brings together UX and CX professionals through workshops, conferences and events.

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