Take ownership of your path

A data science position on a McKinsey insurance solution attracted me because it was the perfect combination of my academic background (actuarial science, insurance) and previous work experience as a data scientist.

Opportunity to explore data across industries

It has turned out to be more flexible than the open role description: I am currently working in manufacturing and really enjoying it. This is only one example of countless opportunities within McKinsey. I often feel everything is possible here; it only depends on how far you are willing to go.

Close-knit, data-science community

During interviews, I often heard my future colleagues were most happy because of the exceptional people around them. I totally agree. I’m part of a smaller, close-knit analytics community in the firm. I can also call on anyone in the firmeven people I’ve never metand she or he will make time to answer whatever questions I have.


Challenge and sponsorship

My colleagues also create an encouraging and daring atmosphere within McKinsey. We have an obligation to speak up if we feel something is off, regardless of seniority. Project leaders always encourage thinking a step ahead, taking initiative and being proactivewhich is quite a challenge for me personally, but I’m getting there.

Overall, I believe that the power of the whole firm behind me and an opportunity to take ownership of my career are the main things that make McKinsey so great.

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About Elena
Based in Amsterdam, Elena is a data scientist, specializing in the insurance industry. Prior to McKinsey, she was a data scientist at a digital consultancy and an insurance organization. She has a master's in actuarial science from the University of Amsterdam.

For more information on McKinsey's tech career paths, visit mckinsey.com/TechCareers.


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