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Who are you?
I’m a born and bred Seattleite currently loving the California vibe of San Francisco. More than anything, I’m passionate about living a healthy life and am in a constant pursuit of balance (mind, body and spirit). Aren’t we all? I’m at my best when learning, meeting new people and experiencing new places. I get excited by possibilities, ideas and creation. I think that’s why I found a passion for recruiting and a home at LUNAR / McKinsey. The people are fascinating and I get excited about the ways in which candidates could contribute to our growing team. LUNAR is filled to the brim with creatives and new ideas and it’s been really exciting to be a part of.
What are your hobbies?
I’m at my happiest doing anything active – running, hiking, roller blading, and trying all of the different types of workout classes in San Francisco. Biking from winery to winery also very much counts towards exercise for the day. I’m at my most focused when I have my headphones on searching for the coolest new music out there. When I’m eager to disconnect, I look up ideas for my next big travel adventure. I’m happy to book the flight, but don’t want to plan the details – I’d rather just get there and go. When I need calm, I practice calligraphy. It’s somehow both meditative and incredibly frustrating at the same time.
What are your weekend plans?
I feel very fortunate that my parents are coming to town from Seattle. We’re going to walk the city and explore different neighborhoods and likely eat all the food. I try to take advantage of their visits and do tourist activities I’ve never done before. This weekend we are taking the ferry to Tiburon for lunch at Sam’s Café – a quintessential San Francisco weekend adventure.
Do you have a Feel Good Friday tip?
On Fridays people are generally excited and happy about the weekend to come. Take advantage of this energy and spend time getting to know people during these times on Fridays. Not quite a “Feel Good” tip but on Friday I write my list of priorities for Monday. It’s crazy what you can forget over two days and it helps me feel more centered and focused going into the new week.
What inspires you?
People, period. I feed off others’ energy and am fascinated by what drives people, how others are working towards their own balance and what some are doing to contribute to their passions. It’s incredibly inspiring. Both professionally and personally I’m very inspired and motivated the mentorship here at LUNAR. Formal mentors, casual mentors, friends, coworkers – it’s truly a gift when someone invests their time in you.
What type of music makes you feel motivated?
Anything with a beat you can dance to. If it makes you want to move and keeps me upbeat and smiling – that’s all I need to keep going.

What was your favorite moment from this week?
New hires at LUNAR introduce themselves to the team by “expressing themselves” in a 6 minute presentation. Basically, you have 20 slides and speak for 20 seconds each slide. You can do anything you want to tell the LUNAR team about yourself. It’s a fun way to get to know a lot about people and now I look forward to each one from other new joiners. My favorite moment of the week was having the opportunity to give my presentation. It was completely scary to talk about yourself and personal interests in front of a new group of colleagues – but that’s why it was my favorite moment. Sometimes the most rewarding moments come from the things you’re scared of or that aren’t that easily achieved.
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