Putting my ideas into action

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I worked in engineering and production for two multinational consumer goods companies before I came to McKinsey. In those roles, I developed programs from scratch –but they were mostly strategic and I didn’t get to actually implement any of them. One of the reasons I was excited to join McKinsey as a senior implementation coach was because this role lets me put my ideas into action. For example, during one of my last studies, I worked with the COO of an Italian company to develop the way forward for their operations. I helped him shape sustainable solutions, listened to him present our ideas to the board and helped him turn them into realities.

More broadly, I know I can shape my path at the firm. I can seek out new knowledge every day –researching a new technology, meeting a new client, or exploring a new industry. The amount of information I have access to is incredible.

More about Simona

I grew up in a beautiful village in front of the sea. I moved to Germany right after graduating college; I spent seven intense and fun years there before moving home to Italy. I’m thrilled to be back, as it gives me more time to hang out with my family and friends. I’m planning my next trip and read as much as I can.


Find a place for you, like Simona, here. Apply for one of our open roles by Dec. 31; women in Europe, enter #aplaceforyou in the comments for a chance to attend our Virtual Leadership Lab in early 2018.

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