How to build digital resilience

As the AWS Re:Invent 2022 (#reInvent) conference wraps up, one topic remains top of mind for tech leaders: digital resilience. Since the start of the pandemic, consumers in Asia, Europe, and North America have led the way in digital adoption, with 125 million new consumers in the US and Europe adding digital channels. According to McKinsey Digital leaders Neira Hajro, Kate Smaje, Benjamim Vieira, and Rodney Zemmel, this surge in digital adoption offers many opportunities to CEOs and business leaders. But bolstering companies’ resilience in this period of economic and geopolitical uncertainty is more important than ever, and options to protect data, improve customer satisfaction, and build trust will be top of mind in the year ahead. Explore these insights on cloud strategies and resilience, what financial institutions and insurers need to consider in their cloud transitions, how to protect digital infrastructure, and more. Check out this page for more on the topics that headlined this year’s #reInvent.

Digital resilience: Consumer survey finds ample scope for growth

More for less: Five ways to lower cloud costs without destroying value

Five learnings from CTOs and tech leaders on their cloud strategies

Resilience for sustainable, inclusive growth [KT2]

Three big moves that can decide a financial institution’s future in the cloud

What every insurance leader should know about cloud

Cyber resilience: Protecting America’s digital infrastructure[KT4]

Security as code: The best (and maybe only) path to securing cloud applications and systems

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