Getting started on the cloud

As with many things in life, an organization’s transition to the cloud is a long game with a great deal at stake. The latest research by William Forrest, James Kaplan, Mark Gu, and co-authors indicates, in fact, that as much as $3 trillion of cloud value is up for grabs. Too frequently, however, as McKinsey distinguished cloud architect Aaron Bawcom reports in a new article, IT departments rush cloud migrations to capture initial savings—which decreases the likelihood that their organization will carve out a significant chunk of the value on the table. Organizations that invest in a solid cloud foundation prior to beginning a transition may enjoy a potential eightfold acceleration in cloud migration and adoption, and a 50 percent reduction in migration costs over the long term. For 10 concrete steps to setting up a cloud foundation from Bawcom and his coauthors, as well as more insights on how to get started with cloud, check out the articles below. And bookmark this page for a weeklong series on the topics that will headline this year’s #reInvent.

Projecting the global value of cloud: $3 trillion is up for grabs for companies that go beyond adoption

Cloud foundations: Ten commandments for faster—and more profitable—cloud migrations

More for less: Five ways to lower cloud costs without destroying value

The cloud as a strategic ecosystem for innovation and growth

Five learnings from CTOs and tech leaders on their cloud strategies

Cloud economics and the six most damaging mistakes to avoid

Six practical actions for building the cloud talent you need

The future of automotive computing: Cloud and edge

Top cloud myths debunked

For more on how organizations can reach their full digital potential, check out McKinsey Digital Insights on Medium.