The fashion industry has witnessed its share of ephemeral tech buzz, trends that disappear before they start. Generative AI, though, could have some staying power. Seventy-three percent of recently surveyed global fashion executives indicate generative AI will be a key priority for their businesses in the coming year, senior partner Achim Berg and colleagues note. And 62 percent of fashion leaders say their companies already use the technology, in areas such as online shopping assistance and writing product descriptions.

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A tree map shows the adoption rate of generative AI (gen AI) in the workplace, by percentage of respondents. The chart shows 62% use AI in various ways. A vertical bar chart below the tree map shows the use cases of gen AI in the workplace. Marketing and writing copy leads among use cases, with 34% of respondents reporting using gen AI for that purpose, followed by design and product development at 28%.
Source: Business of Fashion–McKinsey State of Fashion 2024 Executive Survey.
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To read the report, see “The State of Fashion 2024: Finding pockets of growth as uncertainty reigns,” November 29, 2023.