There’s a lot of excitement about—and investment in—5G mobile networks, find senior partner Pallav Jain and colleagues. Telecommunications companies are expected to invest more than $600 billion in 5G infrastructure between 2022–25. But more than keeping gamers happy with faster speeds, telcos can look to position themselves as 5G business builders by focusing on three key areas: core connectivity, premium connectivity, and platforms and solutions.

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A square tree map chart represents, in billions of dollars, the estimated global 5G expenditures, by region, from 2022 to 2025. Total expenditures amount to $650 billion. The square is broken down into expenditure regions. From largest to smallest, the regional expenditures are as follows: Asia–Pacific at $230 billion, North America at $200 billion, Europe at $115 billion, Latin America at $45 billion, Middle East and North Africa at $30 billion, Commonwealth of Independent States at $15 billion, and sub-Saharan Africa at $15 billion.
Source: GSMA Intelligence; Omdia
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To read the article, see “Navigating the three horizons of 5G business building,” February 22, 2023.