A fast start to a fulfilling career

I studied economics and went to work for a multinational consumer goods company, where I served in a finance role in their beauty and personal care department. It was a great experience that gave me a taste of what it was like to work with executives at the highest level of global organizations. However, I noticed consultancies were doing some of our most exciting projects, and they were taking on more of the strategic work I was keen to do.

I had mentors who had worked with McKinsey, and the general feedback from them was the firm would offer me the high-level strategic work I wanted to do and the chance to work with senior people who were making big decisions.

I also wanted to challenge myself and branch out from the consumer side. I knew if I came to McKinsey, I would be able to explore other industries and expand my knowledge and skills at the pace I wanted.

My role at McKinsey

Every day is different. My work is heavily contingent on the client, so I need to remain flexible. I lead discovery meetings with clients and conduct expert interviews to get the details we need to build analytical models from which we draw useful strategic and operational insights.

In my short time here, I have worked on projects that will change lives for the better.

For example, I got to define the strategy of a big healthcare provider who was contributing to solving the COVID crisis. I’ve also helped to expand the availability of medical devices and pharmaceuticals to people who need them.

Quick responsibility and rapid growth

The training is unmatched at McKinsey. I receive constructive feedback from experts in the field or industry, so I’m learning quickly. I’ve also been given a great deal of responsibility from day one. I consult CEOs and CFOs of global corporations and provide long-term advice on business decisions. It would have taken me 10 years with another organization to get to that level, and even then, I don’t know if I would have the influence I do here. That is incredibly cool.

I’ve been successful here because I have incredible mentors and amazing people who are willing to guide me. I feel supported, and I can always find someone who has the experience to help me answer a tricky question.

Choosing my path in the firm

My first project was in pharmaceuticals. Although I could have chosen to go in a different direction after that, I decided to stick with pharma and healthcare because I can influence the quality of people’s lives at scale. I also see similarities between the pharma and consumer industries, so my background is helping me.

More about Katie

In her free time, Katie likes trying new restaurants with friends and spending time with her family. She is a big surfer, who has already organized a surf trip to Portugal for the London office and is looking forward to planning more trips this year. She likes to travel, snorkel and swim.

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