Innovation, International, Impact

Why did you choose McKinsey?

Two reasons, really:

1) The learning. It was the best place to learn as a recent college graduate. It allowed me to work with the best people from around the world without compromising my knowledge about Angola or my network, which would had been the case had I remained abroad after the University of Bath. McKinsey also provides educational support for business analysts who chose to go to business school (or earn another advanced degree); I’ve always wanted to earn my MBA from a top–ranked school, and now, I’m on leave to attend Harvard.

2) Financial rewards and impact. McKinsey allows me to work on topics relevant to world development with for–profit and non–profit clients. Additionally, I can leverage the Firm’s network to pursue my passions. For example, I founded the McKinsey Ignition Club, a program through which the most promising Angolan startups are mentored and advised pro–bono by a McKinsey team, which includes everyone from analysts to senior partners. We’ve contributed to companies that are innovating the country, and I have created relationships I know will continue for years to come.


Why did you choose the Luanda office?

I believed I could make a bigger difference here than I could in the UK. I’m a better professional for having returned home, where I know the local culture and have my family and friends around to support me. At the same time, I work on international teams and can do projects abroad to supplement my global experience. The Luanda office is relatively small, so it works like a startup, which is exciting. Most consultants here, and across our offices in Africa, are extremely committed to social impact and the continent.

What advice would you give to others considering McKinsey?

Reflect on your story and how McKinsey fits into it. Be aware this is not a 9–to–5 job, work will be demanding. However, it is also not like an investment bank, where you may be expected to work 16+ hours a day, every day, without support or words of gratitude from your leaders. Teams at McKinsey really work together; it’s not competitive or hostile.

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