Learning the ropes with the best teams

From a startup owner to a consultant

Learning the ropes with the best teams
Learning the ropes with the best teams

I studied economics at the University of Cape Town. In my third year, McKinsey gave a presentation encouraging students to apply for an internship. I had no idea what consulting was but working in different industries and functions appeared to be a great opportunity to find out what I wanted to pursue. After my internship, I received an offer to join McKinsey full-time once I completed my studies. Back then, I was an aspiring tech entrepreneur (I still am) and was running a startup which was failing to succeed. I didn’t understand what I was getting into with McKinsey and had doubts to accept the offer, but I thought it could be a great stepping stone to running my own business one day. Two years later, I now know my startup failing was the best thing to happen because my growth and experience at McKinsey has been invaluable and irreplaceable. The people, the work, the challenges, the stretch, the laughs, the failures and the successes have made my journey incredible, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

It's all about the people

The highlight of my journey at McKinsey has always been the people (a special shoutout to the Johannesburg office). My first six months at the firm were pre-pandemic and I was fortunate to experience the office at full capacity as well as travel with teams. My first engagement was with a large team supporting a client in their transformation. I was completely stunned by the quality of work and problem-solving I saw. I remember thinking: “This person has only been here 10 months; am I supposed to be this good in 10 months?”

Learning the ropes with the best teams
Learning the ropes with the best teams

I quickly realized there was nothing to worry about because every single team member was willing to carve out time to help me learn the ropes. Whether it was partners offering coaching sessions or other analysts showing me how to use Excel without a mouse, I’ve been supported every step of the way. It was especially helpful when moving between industries and functions. In addition to providing great results, the teams I’ve worked with also made unforgettable memories, countless laughs, and lasting friendships.

Pre-pandemic, a couple of my events were Friday drinks at the office and team dinners in new cities. Post-pandemic, connectivity has still thrived. Our Friday drinks have shifted to virtual hangouts which would run for hours into the night. During these hangouts, I sometimes cook live (often followed by a debate on my skills), get fashion advice before heading out or problem solve my love life with some top consultants. What’s been consistent before and after Covid, are the moments in between crunching numbers or problem solving, the stories shared, jokes told, celebrations, consolations, etc. which build lasting friendships that extend well beyond eight weeks on a project.

Diversity is strength

Solving tough problems for the largest companies is very rewarding but working with an awesome team that brings perspectives from many backgrounds makes this experience complete. I’ve worked alongside colleagues with previous careers in aeronautical engineering, trauma surgery, arts and entertainment, and law and it’s been eye-opening to see what the best minds from so many different disciplines can produce together.

I’ve learnt everyone’s experience helps them build a perspective that is valuable in problem solving. It is a lot easier now to share my thoughts and ideas without fear, even though I’m often not the expert, because I understand it’s part of the process of building a great solution. Sometimes you’re spot on, sometimes you’re completely off and learn from it, and other times you spark an idea in someone’s else’s head which takes the team closer to an answer. Whether you’re a senior partner or a business analyst on your first project, your voice matters. Because of its culture, McKinsey reinforced one of my favorite sayings “Everybody teaches, everybody learns”.

More about Angelos

Learning the ropes with the best teams
Learning the ropes with the best teams

Outside of work I am an avid chess player, hardcore gamer and a table tennis enthusiast. I’d love to get back to surfing once I’m in a city with a beach again. I am also still working on my startup in the tech space and learning how to code.

Last year, I participated in McKinsey’s ‘year in review’ and shared my top 2020 picks as a Gen Z (born after 1996) representative. You can check them here.

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