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My work passion lies in making a real difference for clients, working with great people and being in an environment that enables audacious creativity. McKinsey Implementation provides the environment and opportunity to do exactly that.

Prior to joining McKinsey Implementation, I had worked for several corporations across Europe which gave me a good perspective in terms of how to get real change to happen. Change that is measurable–quantitatively and qualitatively–and designed for long–term sustainability.

Being at McKinsey Implementation for a few years now, I have had the opportunity to work with multiple interesting clients globally. One of my recent projects involved leading a client’s transformation program whilst helping them build their internal capabilities so that they could not only run some of the workstreams but critically start leading their transformation program. To build their capabilities, we firstly determined which workstreams would be managed by them and how we would capacitate them. Based on this we identified the core skills required and designed a training program to do this. The training program was largely based on our field–and–forum approach where clients are given formal technical classroom training plus informal on–the–job training through working in a combined team with our consultants. The response to this from the client was remarkable as they saw the revitalised energy and performance by their teams who started to perform at substantially higher levels. Furthermore, this genuine partnership and the client access to our intellectual property helped build even stronger trust–based bonds. This enabled us to be seen not as just another consultancy but as real partners in their growth.

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The end impact has resulted in the client attaining 20% improvement in a program that is now run and fully owned by their staff. Furthermore, they now have the training and skills to drive and fine–tune the program as it matures. McKinsey Implementation has also given me opportunities to travel globally serving clients across the United States, Middle East and Africa.

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About Aleck

Aleck is a Senior Implementation Lead based in Chicago. He focuses on designing and leading client’s transformation and programs. He also specialises in procurement and has worked with multiple clients to realize significant cost savings whilst building their capabilities and operations. Aleck also enjoys travelling and getting to learn about different cultures.

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