This is a profile image of Thao


Associate, Ho Chi Minh City

At McKinsey, our cultural differences add value to our client work. Each of us brings unique local knowledge and different understandings of people and working styles.

My Path to McKinsey

Before joining McKinsey, I worked in sports media for six years, overseeing a national intercollegiate sports league with a network of over 100 universities in Vietnam. From there, I worked in marketing for a few professional sports teams where I had a colleague who was a McKinsey alum. This person introduced me to the firm’s ways of working, like structuring issues and top-down communication. I decided that if I ever changed jobs, I would strongly consider McKinsey.

Choosing McKinsey

I chose McKinsey for two reasons: I was inspired by the people I had met and was impressed by the firm’s long history in the Vietnam market.

Expectations for McKinsey

I expected a lot of training opportunities and international exposure but was still amazed by how much learning is available to colleagues. I can find any course and information to help support my work and advance my professional development.

Rewarding, meaningful work experiences

My most rewarding experience was a leadership workshop for senior leaders at a client. I had the chance to collaborate with world-class faculty and witness a senior executive open up and look at the world with a completely new perspective.

A truly global firm

On my first day at McKinsey, I was on a call with a partner in Hong Kong and two others in Europe. I remember thinking, “Wow, we don’t have geographical boundaries.” I have worked on multiple projects in Vietnam where I’ve been the only Vietnamese native on the team. Our cultural differences add value to our client work. Each of us brings unique, local knowledge and different understandings of people and working styles.

My colleagues

I would describe my colleagues as open-minded, overachieving, assertive yet easy-going, smart, professionally happy, and committed to self-improvement.

Work-life balance

Though our work can be intense, we can recharge through vacation and McKinsey initiatives such as Take Time. There is also a new initiative Magic of Us, which aims to encourage a more sustainable, balanced lifestyle for everyone at McKinsey. It includes activities on how to achieve better sleep, nutrition, physical exercise, and mindfulness. I have been actively participating and am excited to tell others about it.

Advice for those considering McKinsey

First, learn as much as you can about McKinsey to find what your fit is. Second, prepare for the interview, as the recruiting process is rigorous. You’d be surprised by how much you can improve your own problem-solving skills and business acumen just through interview preparation. Third, go for it!


Foreign Trade University
BS, business administration and management