Our Program
Forward is a 10-week learning program delivered in a digital and virtual format. It begins with building foundational career skills through online courses, case scenarios, and interactive learning events. You will ultimately be able to develop new behaviors through ongoing reflection and application. At the end of the program, you’ll receive a McKinsey Forward digital badge and join an exclusive global network of life-long learners.
Core Skills level
Ten weeks, about 2 hours per week
Develop practical, must-have skills through highly interactive, self-paced digital courses. You will explore adaptability, effective communication, relationship building, problem-solving, and how to navigate a modern digital world. Start seeing your newfound skills come to life through reflections, virtual learning events, and assignments.
Network level
Join a vibrant global network of lifelong learners who completed the program and get exclusive access to further learning and networking activities. You can also get involved and pay it forward through different volunteering opportunities.
Core Skills level content

Adaptability & Resilience

Problem Solving

Communicating for Impact

Relationships & Well-being

My Digital Toolkit

Lead Forward Webinar
Mark your growth