How leaders can adapt to a different future

The pandemic has both revealed and accelerated a number of trends. To improve the odds of success in the next normal, leaders must consider a broader perspective and adopt new priorities. Don’t know where to start? Explore a special collection featuring McKinsey’s exclusive interviews with leaders whose ideas and insights shape the world of business, and dive deeper with these leadership-focused insights to learn:

  • the five priorities CEOs should adopt as they navigate the trends molding the future
  • the four shifts in how CEOs are leading
  • the mindsets and practices proven to make CEOs most effective

What matters most? Five priorities for CEOs in the next normal

The CEO moment: Leadership for a new era

The mindsets and practices of excellent CEOs

It’s time for leaders to get real about hybrid

Author Talks: David Fubini on hidden truths for CEOs

How do you measure success in digital? Five metrics for CEOs

Five Fifty: Better bosses

What sets the world’s best CEOs apart

How new CEOs can manage for the future

The wisdom of transformations: How successful CEOs think about change