Embracing a digital strategy

Few companies believe that their current business models will remain viable if they don’t digitize. But making the shift to digital requires getting software into the core of your business model—or launching entirely new software businesses. Request your invite to an exclusive webcast on the common pitfalls to avoid when turning to software-based business models for growth, and dive deeper with these digital strategy insights to discover:

  • the four misconceptions that can send companies down the wrong path in their digital transformation journeys
  • how the pandemic accelerated digitization, and the new strategies and practices organizations need to stay competitive
  • why bold strategic moves correlate highly with value creation
  • how organizations can become “tech forward” to thrive in challenging digital markets

Four myths about building a software business

Five Fifty: So you want to be a software company

How COVID-19 has pushed companies over the technology tipping point—and transformed business forever

The new digital edge: Rethinking strategy for the postpandemic era

Digital strategy in a time of crisis

Building a great digital business

How to become ‘tech forward’: A technology-transformation approach that works

Strategy to beat the odds