Capturing cloud’s true potential

The cloud is revolutionizing how businesses create value, but only when tech organizations, and the business, understand how to use it and change how they operate. Want to do better? Check out our special collection on capturing value in the cloud, or dive deeper with insights from it, touching on:

  • The $1 trillion potential
  • Operating models that are cloud-ready
  • Leadership lessons for CIOs, CTOs, and CEOs ready to lean in

Cloud’s trillion-dollar prize is up for grabs

Building a cloud-ready operating model for agility and resiliency

Unlocking value: Four lessons in cloud sourcing and consumption

Debunking seven common myths about cloud

How CIOs and CTOs can accelerate digital transformations through cloud platforms

Three actions CEOs can take to get value from cloud computing

How the cloud has moved advanced analytics from exclusive to accessible

Unlocking business acceleration in a hybrid cloud world

Making a secure transition to the public cloud