How to find value in the cloud

On day 4 of AWS re:Invent 2022, cloud computing professionals have demonstrated that the cloud can generate considerable value for companies. But with the macroeconomic environment becoming increasingly challenging, cloud spend has increased by 20 to 30 percent over the past year; without course correcting, CIOs may soon find their cloud programs on the chopping block. To alleviate economic pressures, leaders should consider five actions that could help them reduce 15 to 25 percent of cloud costs while protecting cloud value, write partners Abhi Bhatnagar and Deepa Mahajan. Explore our insights to reap cloud benefits and learn cost-effective cloud strategies and common mistakes to avoid. And bookmark this page for a weeklong series on the topics that will headline this year’s #reInvent.

More for less: Five ways to lower cloud costs without destroying value

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Cloud foundations: Ten commandments for faster—and more profitable—cloud migrations

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